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Entity settings

Entity info, add and manage users, teams, branding, email templates, security, subscription and billing, communication templates, tags

Updated over a week ago

Entity information

Here you can update the settings for the entity and its sub-entities. Add essential company information such as address and URL to your website - it will be used in your email signature.

  • See your plan and the number of seats

  • Set company information

    • Entity name

    • Entity ID

    • Zip code

    • City

    • Business Registration Number

    • Email

    • Company name

    • Street address

    • State

    • Country

    • Website

  • Set regional settings

    • Country

    • Timezone

    • Currency

    • Data center

    • Language

    • App mode

      • Sales

      • Business

How to create a new Entity

  1. Click on Add new entity

  2. Fill in your company information

  3. Click on Continue

  4. Done!

Communication templates

Communication templates are a new feature where the admin has the possibility to:

  • Create different messaging that can be used by different departments and written in different languages to customize the communication towards your customers

  • Possibility for an admin to create templates and choose what language the signed document certificate should be in

  • Possibility to customize the email messages further by allowing admins to now customize the text for the Footer and open document button (CTA = Call to action button).

Which emails/SMS/Chat messages can I customize?

  • Email & SMS with link

    • This is the email & SMS that is sent out to your recipient once the document is sent from Get Accept which includes the link to access the document

  • Reminders

    • Reminder Email & SMS - This is the reminder that will be sent out when the document has not been opened.

  • Signed

    • Signed document email - This is the email informing all recipients that the document is now signed that also includes the final PDF with the attached certificate and audit log.

  • Chat

    • Automatic chat message/conversation starter - This is an automatic message populated in the chat once the recipient opens the document.

    • Automatic chat reminder email - This is the reminder email with & reminder chat message informing the recipient to reach out if the document has not been opened in 24 hours.

How do you create a new template?

Please note that only an admin has the option to create and manage the templates.

Default communication template

  • The default communication template replaces the existing functionality that used to be called Email, Chat, and SMS in the settings menu.

  • Get Accepts provides a default message for all new entities in the Default template that will be used for all messaging types, see above for which messages are affected.

  • The admin of the entity can override these messages to make them more custom to your company. Please note that these are set on an entity level and can not be customized per document sendout. If you do not want to override the message, all emails and SMS will be sent using the Get Accept default message.

Create your own template

  • If you are on Enterprise or Professional plan, you will be able to create your own templates that can be chosen during the sendout flow to customize the communication to a specific document.

  • As an admin, first, navigate to Settings -> Communication templates.

    From here, you will be able to see all existing templates on the entity as well as some more information about the templates. That information includes what state they are in, Published or Draft, when they were created & by who as well as when it was last edited & by who it was edited.

  • You will also be able to use the search function to find a specific template by simply add the name of the template into the search bar and hit enter.

  1. To create a new template, press the Create communication template button on the top right.

  2. You will be asked to name your template as a first step, which can be edited later on.

  3. Start by selecting Language. The language selector will control what language the signed PDF document certificate should be in.

  4. When you are done, simple press save and choose if you want to save it as a draft or as a Published template.

  • You will be able to see some examples of how you can write your messages in the different text boxes for each messaging type, as the GetAccept default content is pre-populated. Simply just start writing your message in whatever language you prefer in the selected text boxes to override it with your own content.

  • If a template is saved as a draft, it will not be selectable from the user in the sendout flow. Only published templates are selectable and ready to use when you go to send out the document.

How do you use a communication template?

  • When you have created your document and are ready to send it to your recipients, you will have the option to choose what template to use from the Sending tab. This can be used by any user role, only modifications and creations are restricted to admins.

  • Just select what template you want to use from the available ones in the drop-down, preview it and you are ready to sendout your document with a customized messaging template.

You can also use merge tags, such as {{sender.first_name}}, to automate email personalization.

Manage users

  1. Navigate to Manage users under your entity settings.

  2. Here you can search for users, add new users, and edit existing users

How to add a new user to your entity

  1. Click on Invite user+

  2. Enter the user's email

  3. Select the role you want for the user

    1. Administrator

    2. Manager

    3. User

  4. Make sure that the Send verification email is toggled ON (as seen in the image below)

  5. Click on Invite

  6. Done!

Please note!

  • If you cannot add a new user, go to My Subscription to check if you have enough licenses to add a new user. You can add more licenses in your Manage users settings

How to Edit, Change user role, Deactivate, and Delete a user

To edit a user you can either

  1. Click on the three dots to the right of the recipient

  2. Click on the user name

    You can bulk-select recipients and edit user role, activate/deactivate user and delete users from the entity.

    Here you can:

    1. Edit

      • Name

      • Phone

      • Email

      • Title

      • Notes

      • User role

      • Team

      • Status

      • Toggle ON/OFF User can create and send documents from web application

    2. Change user role (Administrator, Manager, User)

    3. Deactivate/Activate the user (Deactivate means the user will remain on the entity but cannot log in to their account)

      • Please note! All the deactivated user documents will still be available and can be accessed by the administrator of the entity. If the deactivated user would be removed, all their documents will also be removed (except for signed documents)

        A deactivated user doesn't take up a user license. That means that you can have more deactivated users than you have user licenses.

    4. Delete


  1. Click on your profile image up to the right

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Teams under Entity settings

  4. Here you can start creating teams and managing existing teams.

How to create a team

  1. Click on Add team+

  2. Enter a name

  3. Click on Save

  4. Done!

Please note!

  • You can only create your teams in this setting, you cannot add users to teams here. The only thing you can edit in teams is the change of name, status (active/inactive), or delete the team.

  • To add and edit a user within a team this is done in Manage users in settings.

How to manage an existing team

  1. Click on the team name

  2. Here you can change the name, change the status, or delete the team

  3. Click on Save when any changes have been made

How to add a user to a team

  1. Click on your profile image up to the right

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Manage Users under Entity settings

  4. Click on the three dots next to the user you want to add to the team and select Edit or click on the user name.

  5. Select the team you want to add the user on

  6. Click on Save

  7. Done!

Good to know about teams

  • Below we will list how the team works when you have restricted access to other users' data on or off.

  • This setting controls if a user on an entity can see only their own or all documents on an entity.

Visibility between users dependent on their role



Without "Restrict Access"

With "Restrict Access"



See everything

See everything



See all teams X+Y

Documents/Deals and their Archive/Contract management

See only my team "X" in Documents/Dealboard and my team "X" Archive/Contract management



See all teams X+Y in Documents/Deals/Archive/Contract management

See only my own Documents/Deals and my own Archive/Contract management

Manage and edit your teams

  • It is not possible to have one user on multiple teams at the same time. A user can only be on one team at a time

  • It is not possible to manage and edit multiple users for teams at once, you can only bulk-select users to Change user roles, Activate, Deactivate, or Delete them.

    • To edit what team the user should be on you have to edit this individually for each user as described above

Branding settings

  1. Click on your profile image up to the right

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Branding under Entity settings

  4. Here you can set up the branding for your entity

Within Branding settings, you can:

  • Upload a logo

    • Upload your company's logo to be shown in the email sent to your recipient(s)

  • Set a subdomain

    • Set a subdomain, this could for example be your company name, this will be added to the URL on the documents that are sent out to the recipient(s).

  • Redirect URL

    • Add a webpage you want your signers to be redirected to after they have signed a document

  • Select theme

    • Select the theme you want for your email/document that are sent out from the entity

  • Manage team

    • Create new themes and edit existing themes

Please note!

  • Always make sure to click on Save when making any changes here!

How to upload a logo

  1. Click on Upload image

  2. Select a file from your computer

    Please note! A logo with white text or details on a transparent background will not be visible on the signing page

  3. Done!

How to select a theme

  1. Click on the field Select theme

  2. Select the theme you want to use for all your future emails/documents that will be sent out from the entity

  3. Click on Save

  4. Done!

How to create a theme

  1. Click on Manage themes

  2. Click on New theme

  3. Fill in all the fields and design the theme how you want it

  4. Click on Save

  5. Done!

The options available when creating a theme

When creating a new theme you can set:

  • Name

    • Give your theme a name

  • Background color

    • Changes the background color of the email header banner

  • Accent color

    • Changes the color of the View document button shown to the recipient in the email and also the color of the sign/approve button.

  • Background type

    • Set the background type to fixed or scroll

  • Sign button text

    • This changes the signing button text that the signers will click on to sign the document.

    • Please note: This is only available in plan Enterprise

  • Default editor font

    • This changes the text font of the text that follows under the heading in the editor block.

  • Default font for editor headings

    • Changes the text font of the heading when writing an editor block

    • When choosing the editor fonts you will always see a preview of how the chosen Font will look to the right of the two columns.

    • The first sentence demonstrates the font selected for Default editor font

    • The second sentence demonstrates the font selected for Default font for editor headings

  • Background image

    • Changes the background behind the document when a recipient opens the document.

    • We recommend using a high-resolution background and also that the background image is in landscape mode instead of portrait mode

How to manage themes

  1. Click on Manage theme

  2. Click on the theme you want to edit, either by clicking on the three dots and selecting Edit och click on the theme name

    Please note! The built-in theme cannot be edited, if you want to edit these you can click on them and then select Create new version, then you can change that theme.

  3. When you have made any changes click on Update theme

  4. Done! Now you can go back to branding and select the theme

How to redirect signers to a specific website after sign

  1. Click on the field Redirect URL

  2. Enter the webpage

  3. Click on Save

  4. Done!

You can also use dynamic merge variables in the redirect URL, such as ​​{{recipient.fullname}}, {{}}, {{}}, {{recipient.company_name}}, {{recipient.company_number}}, {{}},​ {{document.value}}{{document.external_id}}, ​and {{document.unique_id}}.

How to create and manage Email templates

Please note! Email templates are only for our Enterprise plan

Within Email templates under Branding, you can:

  • Select Template for document sending

    • Can always be changed manually by each user when sending a document

  • Select Template for notifications

    • Will be the default templates used when notifications are sent out

Manage email templates

  • Creating new email templates

  • Managing existing email templates

How to create an email template:

  1. Click on Manage email templates

  2. Click on New Email template

  3. To learn more about how to do it, read this guide

  4. Click on Save when you are done

How to edit an email template

  1. Click on Manage template

  2. Click on the three dots and select Edit or click on the template name

  3. Make the changes

  4. Click on Save when you are done

Please note!

  • If you hardcode any text in the email template, it will be used in both the send-out and the notification for reminders and signed documents.

  • If you remove the {{email.message}} tag. The email template text will also be sent, and replace the document(s) reminder email text and signed email text.


Security settings

Login and password security levels for this entity

Make sure to click Save whenever you make any changes here

  • Enable high password strength

    • Activation of this setting will force all users to change passwords seven days after activation and then every 90 days.

      Please note! Every time you turn on this setting, it will prompt a new password reset for all users within 7 days that can't be recalled.

  • Enable social recipient photos

    • Automatically fetch social profile photos from LinkedIn for contacts in your contact list.

      For this to work, the contact email needs to be connected to their LinkedIn account.

  • Enable restricted access to supplemental documents

    • If unchecked, users are unable to create private supplemental documents in the attachment library.

  • Restrict access to other users data

    • Enable restricted data sharing between users so they will not see each other's data.

      If you have teams, the managers will be able to see the specific send-outs that have been done by the users in their team. Only an admin will be able to see all user's data, regardless if they are part of a team or not.

  • Enable manual document link sharing

    • Disable this to prevent users from getting access to document links for manual sharing when doing a send-out.

  • Enable two factor authentication

    • When this is activated, users need to enter a unique code each time they want to log in. See the installation guide. It can be set to be active for all Users or Admins only

Data protection

To stay compliant with certain data protection regulations, such as The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), you can set up automatic deletion rules to remove documents and contact information after a set amount of time has passed. This can be used to both clean out GetAccept of old documents and data.

You can also activate consent for tracking.

Set up your data protection rules to be compliant

Make sure to click Save whenever you make any changes here

  • Collect consent before accessing document

    • When enabled, this will show a popup window with a consent text that the recipient has to confirm before accessing the document. If the recipient chooses to not consent they won't be able to access the document.

      An admin of the account can edit the consent text that is shown to the recipient.

  • Collect consent before enable tracking in document

    • When the recipient consents, tracking is enabled. The sender will be able to see the statistics of the specific recipient.

      If the recipient chooses to not consent they will still be able to access the document. However, the tracking of the document will be disabled for this recipient and the sender will not be able to see the statistics of the specific recipient.

  • Hide personal information in certificate

    • Hide personal information in the signature certificate, such as social security number (SSN) for eID signatures.

  • Send attachment of signed document by email

    • When the document gets signed, all recipients will receive a PDF copy of the signed document with the certificate.

      Please note! If this is turned off, they won't get the PDF copy in the email.

Automatic document removal

Make sure to click Save whenever making any changes here

  • Remove inactive documents after

    • Set time (months)

    • This will remove inactive documents and associated contacts after your chosen amount of months.

    • Inactive documents are all sent out documents and drafts without any activity registered during the chosen number of months. This does not include signed documents.

    • Inactive contacts are those who have no documents sent to them.

  • Remove signed documents after

    • Set time (months)

    • This will remove signed documents and associated contacts after your chosen amount of months.

    • If a contact is connected to other documents sent during the time period, they won't be deleted.

  • Send a notification email to the person below before removing documents

    • Enter a email that this notification should be sent to so that documents can be downloaded in time before it gets deleted

    • Important! Documents that have been deleted can not be recovered after being removed from your account!

How to navigate to your Tag settings

  1. Click on your profile image up to the right

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Tags under Entity settings

  4. Here you can create and manage your tags

Please note: Only an admin can edit tags and create new tags and has access to the tag library

How to create a tag

  1. Click on + New Tag

  2. Enter a name

  3. Click on Save

  4. Done!

You can add tags to templates, so they automatically show up when the template is selected for a send-out, or they can be added manually to any send-out you're delivering. They can also be added to your signed document in contract management.

How to manage a tag

  1. Click on the Tag name or on the three dots to the right and select Edit

  2. Edit the name and/or change the status of the tag (Active/Inactive)

How to delete a Tag

  1. Click on the three dots next to the tag you want to delete

  2. Select Delete

    • Please note! You cannot delete a tag that is already in use!

How to navigate to your Subscription plan settings

  1. Click on your profile image up to the right

  2. Select Subscription plan

Summary of your entity (User, Payment, Documents, SMS)

When you enter your subscription settings you will see a summary of your usage on your current plan, here you can see:

  • Your current plan

    • Under Usage Summary, you will see your current plan

  • Users on plan

    • The number of users and licenses you have

    • For example 1/3 = 1 user and 3 licenses

    • If you have 3/3 users and want to add one more, you need to add another license to your account

  • Price per user

    • The price per license for your entity, to add users to your entity you must have enough licenses on your entity to do so.

  • Payment interval

    • The chosen payment interval for your paying account

  • Renewal date

    • The next renewal date for your plan

  • Signed documents

    • The number of signed documents on the entity

  • Sent documents

    • The number of sent documents to the entity

  • Documents in use

    • The number of active documents on the entity.

    • An active document is a document that has been sent but has not yet been signed or expired

  • Sent SMS reminders

    • The number of sent SMS reminders on the entity

How to upgrade and manage your plan

Here you can manage and upgrade your current plan

  • Current plan

    • Depending on your plan, you will see a blue text saying "Current plan" above the plan you have

  • Update plan - Add a new licence

    • On your plan you can click on update plan, here you can add a new license

  • Upgrade plan

    • Select Choose this plan to upgrade a plan

    • If you have plan trial you will only see the option to upgrade to another plan, from plan trial you can upgrade to all plans but Enterprise plus on your own.

  • Upgrade plan

    • If you have plan essential or professional and want to upgrade, please Contact us

    • If you want to upgrade to Enterprise plus please Contact us

How to navigate to your Billing settings

  1. Click on your profile image up to the right

  2. Select Subscription plan

  3. Click on the tab Billing

Billing information

Here you can enter your billing information:

Company information

  • Company name

  • VAT number

  • Billing email address

  • Billing reference

Billing address

  • Street address

  • City

  • Postal code

  • Country

How to check your billing history and view past invoices & receipts

Here you can:

  • Add or update your Credit Card payment method on your GetAccept account

  • Check your billing history

How to cancel your Subscription

We would hate to see you go, but if you decide GetAccept hasn't lived up to the hype, you can cancel your monthly subscription by contacting our finance department. Depending on where you are located they have different contact info.

  • Customers in the EU use email

  • US customers use

    If you decide to go this route, we would really appreciate any feedback you have on how we can improve the experience for our users and you (if you decide to join our family again in the future)!

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