Entity information
Here you can update the settings for the entity and its sub-entities. Add essential company information such as address and URL to your website - it will be used in your email signature.
Communication templates
What are communication templates?
Communication templates is a feature where the admin has the possibility to:
Create different messaging that can be used by different departments and written in different languages to customize the communication towards your customers
Possibility for an admin to create templates and choose what language the signed document certificate should be in
Possibility to customize the email messages further by allowing admins to now customize the text for the Footer and open document button (CTA = Call to action button).
In communication templates, the language and content of messages sent to recipients, are predefined. The frequency of reminders is also preset. Your colleagues can easily reuse a communication template when preparing a document.
Manage users
How to buy seats
User management
You can bulk select recipient and edit user role, activate/deactivate user and delete users from the entity. You can also click on a recipient to edit/see
To edit a theme (change name and edit status click on the team name: Please note!
In your branding, you can set your logo which will be displayed when you send documents in the email going out to the customer
Security settings
Login and password security levels for this entityMake sure to click Save whenever you make any changes here
Data protection
Set up your data protection rules to be compliant Make sure to click Save whenever you make any changes here
Automatic document removal
Make sure to click Save whenever making any changes here
Subscription billing
Here you can see your plan and buy seats as well, see Add seats up here in the guide on how to do that
You can also see your billing details: