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Merge Variable List

Use these merge variables to personalize your send outs

Updated over a week ago

GetAccept Merge Variables to Choose From

Please note that the following tags are only intended for use in uploaded documents and/or templates; they are currently not supported in Editor Blocks. In the case of having any questions, feel free to contact Support.

Signature date variables
{{date.iso}} 2019-08-25
{{date.short}} August 25, 2019
{{date.long}} August 25, 2019, 9:11 am

{{date.yyyy}} 2019

{{}} 08

{{date.dd}} 09

{{date.yy}} 19

{{date.m}} 8

{{date.d}} 9

{{date.hh}} 09

{{date.ii}} 08

{{}} 45

{{date.h}} 9

{{date.i}} 8

{{date.a}} am

example UK: {{date.dd}}/{{}}/{{date.yyyy}}

example US: {{}}-{{date.dd}}/{{date.yyyy}}

example Timestamp: {{date.yyyy}}-{{}}-{{date.dd}} {{date.hh}}:{{date.ii}}:{{}}

Document variables
{{}} GetAccept Order Form
{{document.value}} $1,000
{{document.send_date}} 2017-09-20 15:54:52
{{document.expiration_date}} 2017-09-28 06:59:00
{{document.unique_id}} A unique id for the specific document

Sender company/entity variables
{{}} GetAccept, Inc  
{{entity.currency}} USD

Recipient variables
{{recipient.title}} VP Sales
{{recipient.first_name}} Alan
{{recipient.last_name}} Sincich
{{recipient.fullname}} Alan Sincich
{{recipient.note}} He loves spaghetti, steak, and a fine wine
{{}} +46701234567
{{recipient.company_name}} GetAccept AB
{{recipient.company_number}} 559000-1000
{{recipient.initials}} AS

Sender user variables
{{sender.title}} Sales Manager
{{sender.first_name}} Alan
{{sender.last_name}} Sincich
{{sender.fullname}} Alan Sincich
{{}} +18552558100
{{}} +14151122334
{{sender.initials}} AS

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