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Manage room

Add recipients, functionality and settings

Updated over a week ago

Overview of Managing Your Published Room

When you have published your room, you have the option to add more content and participants throughout the entire process. This is especially useful for adjusting your actions within the room to what is happening in the sales process, for example with a particular participant. You can also add more content as well as participants to your room, either by directly entering their emails or by sharing a universal link with them.

In addition, you can use Analytics to follow the interaction your participants have in the room and observe the timeline of events that take place.

In this guide, we will dive a little deeper into what you can do when you have published your room.


You can use the Analytics feature to review the progress of your published room. For example, you can view analytics for each participant's journey, as well as the room's timeline.

To access Analytics simply click on the "Analytics" button in the upper right corner. You will be taken to the Analytics page with two tabs: Engagement and Timeline.

Real-time insights

Analytics is a great tool to keep track of interactions with your participants in the room. It includes having an overview of the amount of time spent in a room, as well as detailed timeline events of when a participant opens, views, and reviews the room.

Analytics also allows you to dig deep into the data, you will be able to see the participant's interaction on a Page, Section, or Element and even down to their engagement on a Slideshow element.

You also have the option to filter specific participants.

With this information, you can have a better understanding of what interests your participants most and how you should interact with them next.


The Engagement tab gives an overview of how your participants are engaging with the room. You can see how much time they are spending in the room and how much time on which page. This gives you data insight on what you could interact with them on next.

Time spent per page

You can see time spent per page and also filter by participants. To the right you can also see the total data for all participants. How many visits, the total time spent in the room, and the number of unique visitors.


See the participants of the room and track their latest activity in the room. You can also interact with them and start a chat by clicking on the message symbol to the right.

Monthly participant activity

Get an overview of your participant's activity during a specific month


The Timeline tab shows a more detailed list of events that have happened. This includes a list of when a participant has opened, viewed, and reviewed a room.

For further information on what different statuses mean, click here.

Add more participants

Sometimes you will need to add more participants to a room after you have published it. Here's how you can do that easily.

  • When you have published the room, click on the Share button up to the right

  • When you select Add more participants to the room you can either add existing contacts or create new contacts.

Invite a colleague via email as a participant in a room

  • We have now enabled a way for participants to invite other participants via email. The functionality is available in the participant view under the share modal. Users can be added in bulk, and a custom message can be sent from the person who invites them.

  • Enable buyers to invite their colleagues into a Deal room instead of sharing the Universal URL.

Add a new contact

  1. Click on the Share button

  2. Select Add more participants in the bottom left corner

  3. Enter the participant's email

  4. Click on + Create as a contact

  5. Fill in all the information and click on Save contact information, then click on Done when you are done

Add an existing contact

  1. Click on the Share button

  2. Select Add more participants in the bottom left corner

  3. Click on the search field and search for your participant by name or email

  4. Select the one you want to add to the list

  5. You can now proceed and select if you want to notify the participants right away or share their links later. See the next step below: Notify your participant's

Notify your participant's

Once you have added participants to the room, you can send them an invitational email, or choose to copy their link and send it by email manually.

Once they have been added you can select

  • Don't notify participants (if you want to share their link to the room later)

  • Send invitation (An invitation email with a link to the room will be sent out)

Edit content

You can easily adjust your published room's content and participants whenever you need to.

It could be completely new sections or you might have pages hidden, that you might not want to share right away. It is a smooth way to add more without having to recall it. Read more about it here below. This allows a way to make editing an active action, to avoid unintended edits. Other benefits are:

  • A better preview of what the buyer sees

  • A better view to share your screen as a seller to the buyer during a meeting, without showing unpublished content or all the admin UI

  • A way to discard unpublished content

Below we will guide you through the details

How to start editing your content

  1. Click on the button Edit content up to the right of the page

  2. Now you will be in edit mode where you can

    1. Make edits to your content

    2. Hide/show pages and edit the names of the sections and pages

    3. Remove sections and pages

  3. When you are done, simply click on Publish

  4. Then notify your participants by creating a post

Close edit mode

Sometimes you might not feel that you have the time to finish all your updates and do not want to publish the changes made yet, then you have the option to close edit mode and continue editing at a later point.

  1. Click on Close edit mode

  2. You will then see that it says Continue editing and you can pick up where you left off whenever you want to.

Discard all edits made

Sometimes you do not want to use the edits made and publish them, or you made some edits that are no longer valid and want to start over. Then you can simply choose to discard all the edits you have made so far and start over when you want to edit next time.

  1. When you are in edit mode, click on the arrow next to Close edit mode

  2. Select Discard all unpublished changes

  3. Done!

Pages visibility

When you first publish your room, there might be content you have that you don't want to share immediately with the participant. Could be content that is more suitable once you are at a later stage in the process. You can easily, whenever you feel it's a good time, hide and show pages you have ready to share.

Simply click on the three dots next to the hidden page to the left and select Show page.

Once this is selected you simply need to publish and update your participants by creating a post that there is new content added to the room.

Unpublish the room

When a room has been published, there are times when you may need to unpublish a room. Unpublishing a room is a way to completely close a room to the outside world. An example of when it is relevant is e.g. when a room's purpose is fulfilled. And you don't really want your participants to have access to it anymore, but you want to keep it internally for reference. Then you use unpublish as a way to archive the room, instead of deleting it.

Can be used as an emergency brake if you want to quickly close the room to the outside world, revise its content, and then republish when you are ready.

It is also good to know that all reminders are paused immediately when you unpublish your room.

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Select Unpublish this room under Availability

To publish a room again, this can easily be done in the tab Unpublished in Rooms

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