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Downgrading the account

What happens to my account and document(s) once I’ve cancelled my account.

Updated over a week ago

When you cancel your subscription and you no longer have a paying plan there are some things that are good to know about what will happen next.

Your account

Once you’ve passed your last day with your paying plan your account will be automatically downgraded to a Free account.


The number of users that is on your account will still remain and all users who are active can still log in as usual.

Active documents

The documents will still remain and you can still access your documents and the recipient(s) can still sign these, but you will be, going forward, limited to plan Free. This means that you will not be able to send more documents until you have either:

  • Signed the document(s)

  • Deleted the document(s)

  • Marked the document(s) as won/lost

This is due to plan Free having a limit of three active send-outs/accounts.

Once you are below the limit of three active documents that is part of plan Free you can send new documents.

Signed documents.

Once your account has been downgraded to plan Free you will no longer have access to Archive (Plan Essential or Professional) or Contract management (plan Enterprise plus).

If you wish to download all of your signed documents all at once then we recommend that you do so before your account has been downgraded.

Otherwise, you will need to go to the document(s) one by one and download them separately.

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