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Managing Sent Documents: Engagement & Analytics
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Document View & Management Overview

Once a document has been sent, you can access its details and manage it via the Document View interface which is located in sent documents Dealboard and Document. This dashboard provides a clear view of the document's engagement, recipients, and status, along with various management options.

Key Engagement and Analytics Features:

  1. Engagement Statistics: You have real-time insights into the recipient’s interaction with the document, such as page views and time spent per page, how engaged the recipient are and determine when to follow up.

  2. Advanced Tracking: You can track new viewers, see which recipients forwarded the document, and identify if additional recipients accessed it.

  3. Automated Communication: If you’ve set up engagement features like live chat or video messages, you can see whether recipients interact with these features and respond in real-time.

  4. Signing Status: For documents requiring signatures, GetAccept tracks each signer’s progress. You can see who has signed, who is next, and whether any recipients need a reminder or a nudge to sign.

  5. Timeline: A timeline of every action taken on the document.


Recipient Activity: Track recipient activity such as:

  • Which pages were viewed most and for how long.

  • Filter by specific recipients to see individual engagement data.

Visual Engagement Tracking: You can click on blocks representing different document pages to see how much time was spent on each one. This helps you understand where the recipient is focusing their attention.

Document Interaction: Clicking on the “View Page” option redirects you to the exact page the recipient engaged with the most.


View & Edit Document: This is where you can view the sent document. If you created the document using the built-in editor or through a Google Drive template, you can make edits here.

Finalized Documents: For signed or finalized documents, this tab will show the completed version, and additional edits are locked


Activity Log: The timeline provides a chronological history of all interactions with the document, from the time it was sent to the most recent action.

Actions logged include document opening, reading, comments, signatures, and more.

Document settings

Expiration & Reminders:

  • Change Expiration Date: Extend or shorten the expiration period for the document.

  • Automatic Reminders: You can turn off, edit, or set up custom reminders to prompt recipients to act.

  • Contract Start/End Date: Update the contract’s start or end date.

  • Add Notifications: Set up notifications for critical events (e.g., when someone views or signs the document).

Post-Signing Settings:

  • If the document is fully signed, you can manage different settings, like changing the document owner.

Document Information

Edit Document Details: You can edit basic information like the document name and value until the document has been fully signed. The name, tags (Enterprise Plus plan), and expiration date can be managed here.

Access Document Settings: This includes the ability to preview the document, review email information related to the send-out, and access document settings.

Actions Menu: Accessible by clicking on the three dots at the top right, allowing you to:

  • Share the document link.

  • Create a new version of the document.

  • Upload a signed document if you have a manually signed version.

  • Download the document.

  • Mark as lost (if the deal is no longer viable).

  • Delete the document.

Recipient(s) Column

Recipient Overview: See a list of all recipients, along with their contact details and current role in the signing process.

Recipient Actions: Clicking on the three dots next to each recipient allows you to:

  • Contact recipients directly via video, SMS, or email.

  • View recipient details, like their contact information.

  • Share the document link again.

  • Transfer recipient role: You can transfer a recipient’s signing rights to someone else if necessary.

  • Remove recipient role: Change a recipient from "Signer" to "Viewer" (Only view).

Send Reminders: You can send reminders via SMS, email, or video, depending on the engagement level or urgency.

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