The pricing table is a new element that you can insert into your template editor. Combined with our Microsoft Dynamics integration, it is now possible to automatically populate Dynamics product data into the GetAccept pricing table element in your template.
The end result is a clean, mobile-friendly way to present quotes to your customers. In this guide, we walk through the steps to set this up so that your users can easily start sending quotes.
As of April 2023, we have now introduced a significant improvement in how you can configure your mapping profiles as well as supporting pricing groups and additional functionality as detailed below
How to set it up
(Pre-requisites: Ensure that you have our GetAccept Microsft Dynamics Version 1.2.1 or higher, that your integration settings are updated to support CPQ, that the integration has been connected from GetAccept by an admin, and that you have the pricing table feature enabled on your entity)
Important: If you are updating from a version of our integration older than version 1.1.0 and are already using our pricing table profiles, it is highly recommended to install the updated package in a sandbox environment first to ensure there are no issues with your current set up.
This setup will guide you through creating a template with a pricing table, specifying which data in Dynamics will populate the pricing table, and finally performing a test send to ensure the final result is as you expect.
Now as an admin user in GetAccept, you will need to enable the GetAccept Pricing table from within the GetAccept Microsoft Dynamics integration for the users in your entity.
In this example, we will enable the default profile where the standard product fields in your opportunity or quote are used.
3. Use Dynamics Product line items
Note: A default profile is used to map Dynamics Product Data to a GetAccept Pricing table. If you would like to customize which data is used from Dynamics in the Pricing table you will need to create a new mapping profile as explained later in this article. 4. Making a sending in Dynamics using a template with a pricing table
Dynamics pricing table profiles
If you would like to map specific fields from your Dynamics product line items to the GetAccept pricing table, such as custom fields, you will need to create product row and summary templates.
Default Profile in Dynamics mapped to GetAccept Pricing Table
Text in orange shows the default Dynamics fields being taken in the GetAccept Pricing table and where they would be displayed.
Note: For Discount in the pricing summary, we can either show the discount amount (flat discount amount) or the total discount percentage, not both. |
Configuring Multiple Pricing Groups
Create and edit multiple pricing groups within a table. Note that every pricing table requires at least one pricing group.
Select the pricing group, set the product row mapping and the group summary template, specify sorting options, and apply pricing group rules if applicable.
There is no limit to the number of pricing groups that can be added. Simply click "Add new pricing group" and fill in the same information as above.
Configuring Multiple Pricing Tables
It may be the case that you wish to use multiple pricing tables in your template and filter your products into a specific table based on certain criteria. This section will guide you through such a setup.
Limitations & Assumptions
We will be adding additional functionality to our pricing table support with Dynamics in the coming months. This will include, but is not limited to, support for multiple pricing tables and multi-currency support.