Adding recipients
How to add a new recipient to a document
The recipient will be added to your Contacts so you can easily add them to new documents in the feature.
If you upload multiple recipients, you can create a recipient workflow and assign different roles to each party involved. |
How to add an existing contact to a document
How to assign a recipient to a template role
When you have a template with a role connected to it, it is important that you click on the role, and add the recipient this way.
Also important to do this if you have certain fields connected to this role that you've added in the template. This way, once you've added the recipient to that role, the fields will be automatically connected to them. |
Assign a role to the recipient (signer, approver, viewer)
Recipient roles
There are three different roles that a recipient can have; Signer, Approver (External or Internal), and Recipient.
A signer is a recipient who is to sign the document and thereby become legally bound to the document.
You can set an approver as external or internal:
External approver - An external approver is visible on the signing page and in the recipient list, can be interacted with in the chat, and all actions taken are noted in the certificate audit log.
Internal approver - An internal approver will not be visible to anyone but the sender and their actions will not be noted in the certificate audit log. They can not interact with other recipients or the sender in the chat either.
Simply a role solely for internal approvals.
A recipient of a document that can only read the contents of the document. This means that they have no active role in a signing but only receive the document for reading. You can see it as a CC in an email.
How to create a signing order
An example of how a signing order works
Only view as the last recipient with signing order
If you have a recipient with the role Only view last in a signing order, the status of the signer will not change from Waiting.
This is because they don't have an active role in the signing of the document. Once all signers have signed the document, we stop tracking the document.
How to require recipients to verify their identity when opening or signing a document
How to require recipients to verify their identity when opening or signing a document
When authorization has been added the padlock will be green:
When no authorization has been added the padlock will be grey:
SMS on open
Available from plan Professional
With the SMS on open toggled ON, the recipient will receive an SMS with a unique code that they will have to enter into a popup window to be able to view the document.
When choosing the SMS option, make sure to add the recipient's mobile phone number to the contact before sending the document.
Password verification
With answer a question authorization, the recipient will have to answer a question you have entered with the correct answer.
You can either choose to have them authorized on open or when signing.
Signing method
SMS on sign
Available from plan Professional
With the SMS on sign toggled ON, the recipient will receive an SMS with a unique code that they will have to enter into a popup window to be able to sign the document.
When choosing the SMS option, make sure to add the recipient's mobile phone number to the contact before sending the document.
Electronic identification
Available from plan Professional We currently support eID in these countries.
Personal identification number
You are now able to confirm the identity of a signer through their social security number (SSN), if they have signed using an electronic ID. The SSN will show up right by the name of the signer, so you can double-check that it’s the authorized signatory before you go ahead and approve and seal the document. When the recipient is viewing the document they can open up the recipient's view by clicking on the menu up to the right and selecting recipients, here is where you can see the social security number under the signer's name.