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Updating deal stage in Freshsales with Zapier webhooks

Explains how to update a deal's deal stage in Freshsales with Zapier

Updated over a week ago

How to update a deal's deal stage in Freshsales with Zapier

There is no automatic update of deal stage in our integration to Freshsales, but this can be done with the help of Zapier.

First, you need to register an account at Zapier. Then you need to create a Zap and add the following information to it:

  1. Trigger on Signed document in Getaccept. Search for GetAccept

    1. Choose trigger Document signed:

    2. Click the plus sign and search for Webhooks:

  2. Action Webhooks by Zapier->Custom request

    1. and in data, you should put (see picture):

Please refer to Freshsales documentation here if you want to do any other updates to your deals with the help of Zapier. You can find the documentation here:

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