What you can add to your Editor block
12 articles
How to add and set up the Text ElementSummary of the Text Element within the Editor
How to add and set up the Image ElementSummary of the Image Element within the Editor
How to add and set up the Pricing Table ElementHow to use the pricing table element in an editor block
How to add and set up the Table ElementSummary of the Table Element within the Editor
How to add and setup the Divider ElementSummary of the Divider Element within the Editor
How to add and setup the Columns Layout ElementSummary of the Columns Layout Element within the Editor
How to add and set up the Image and Text ElementSummary of the Image and Text Element within the Editor
How to add and set up a text field in the EditorAdding a text input to your editor block
Dropdown for the EditorHow to add the dropdown element
How to add and set up the Checkbox elementHow to add a checkbox element
Signature ElementAdd signatures to your editor content
Email input for the EditorA guide explaining the new element for email field