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Document settings (E-sign plan)

Share document link, create new version, upload signed document, download as PDF, Mark as lost, Delete document, document info (eSign)

Updated over 9 months ago

Access document settings

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Here you can:

    • Share document link

    • Create new version

    • Upload signed document

    • Download as PDF

    • Mark as lost

    • Delete document

    • Document information

Read more about these here below.

Share document link

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select Share document link

  3. A new pop up will appear where you can copy the unique links to the document for each participant and share to them for access to the document'

Create new version

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select create new version

  3. A pop up will appear with preselected options that you can change

  4. When you select create new version the document will be moved to a draft so that you can make your changes and send it out again

Upload signed document

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select upload signed document

  3. Upload the signed copy* or tick in the option Skip upload.

    This is not recommended since there is no proof then that the signing has been made.

  4. Done!

Please note!

Make sure to download your proposal and merge that with the signed page or a saved copy of ex an email acceptance. This is important because when uploading a signed document, it replaces the original one.

Download as PDF

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select Download as PDF

  3. The download will begin shortly and you will get your file downloaded as a PDF file

Mark as lost

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select Mark as lost

  3. Make sure you want to mark the deal as lost. Once marked, it will no longer be active. Confirm by choosing Mark as lost

  4. Done!

How to make a lost deal active again

  • Once a document has been marked as lost you can't make it active again.

    You'll have to create a new version and send out that version to the recipient for signing.

Delete document

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select Delete document

  3. Select if you want to inform the recipients by email where you can also write a message

  4. Confirm by selecting delete document again

  5. Done!

The document will remain under tab Deleted and you can activate it again by creating a new version.

Document information (email preview)

  1. Click on the three dots up at the top

  2. Select Document information

  3. Here you can see a preview of the first sent email message when you sent the document

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