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How to Use the Checkbox element

How to add a checkbox element

Updated over 5 months ago

The Checkbox element allows you to create selectable options for recipients, useful for capturing binary (yes/no) responses or allowing recipients to select from multiple options. Here's how to add, set up, and manage checkboxes within your document editor.

How to Add the Checkbox Element

  1. Click on the blue [ + ] symbol: This will open the element selection menu.

  2. Select Checkbox from the list under Engagement elements.

Adding Multiple Checkboxes

  • After adding the first checkbox, click on + Add new to create additional checkboxes within the same editor block.

Note: Adding a label is mandatory when using the checkbox element.

Assigning the Checkbox Field to Sender or Recipient

  1. Click on the checkbox field to open the formatting bar.

  2. Click on the Connect field to symbol (person icon).

  3. Choose whether the field should be connected to the Sender or Recipient. This designation determines who interacts with the checkbox.

Marking a Field as Required

  1. Click on the Required toggle next to the connect field symbol.

  2. The default setting is ON for required fields, meaning the recipient must interact with the checkbox before the document can be completed.

  3. Toggle OFF to make the checkbox optional.

Adjusting the Size of the Checkbox Element

  • Click and drag the outline of the checkbox element to resize it horizontally.

  • Click on the + symbol to add more checkboxes within the same block as needed.

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