You may want to always have the same recipient, approver, or signer in the document workflow every time you use the template.
How to add recipients to your template
Please note: If you want to add a specific person as an approver. Then you need to add either another specific signer or add a role (set the role to signer) if you don't know who the signer will be. You can always add the approver to the template as a role and fill in their information when creating a new send-out.
You can also add permanent recipients to a template if you, for example, always want a certain email to get the document when that template is used. Then you add them as an only view if they are not to sign the document. |
How to add a template role to your template
For example, if you always want the external signer of the document to sign it with eID, you can create a role called "External Signer" and set the default verification method to the eID option.
Maybe you have added fields connected to this specific role and want to simply just add the recipient to connect it to the fields, instead of connecting the fields to the recipient one by one.