Tracking and analytics
You've spent a lot of time prospecting, writing emails, and pulling together content, only to have no idea whatsoever if the buyer has read or even received it.
Imagine if you could do all of that and more; like understanding which bits of content your prospect spent the most time reading or additional stakeholders that they've forwarded the Deal Room on to.
How to access Analytics
To access Analytics click "Analytics" in the upper right corner in your Deal room. You will be taken to the Analytics page with two tabs: Timeline and Engagement.
The Timeline tab shows a detailed list of events that have happened.
An event can include more detailed information about the specific event. For example, a chat event can display what a participant has written.
List of events:
Publishing the room
New participants added
Participants first visit
Participants invited a new participant via email
Participant removed
Room owner changed
Collaborator added
New chat message
Action plan
Action plan published
Action plan unpublished
Milestone created
Milestone deleted
Task created
Task deleted
Deadline added
Deadline changed
User/Participant assigned to task
User/Participant removed from task
Task completed
File uploaded
File downloaded
File deleted
New thread created
New comment added to thread
Thread resolved
Thread reactivated
Engagement gives you insight into how participants have spent time in the Deal Room.
Use Filter by participant to filter specific participants engagement
Use the Chat to send a message.
Monthly participant activity shows when activity has occurred on a monthly level. |