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Add G2 Crowd reviews to your sendout

Standout to customers by displaying G2 Crowd reviews in your sendout

Updated over a week ago
  • Once you're on the drafting template or sendout page, you will see a number of blocks listed and available to use. The Link block allows you to add a G2 review link to your sendout with a call to action button driving your recipients back to your company’s G2 reviews page.

  • Providing G2 company reviews in your Digital Sales Room/sales sendout will help establish trust and arm your buyer with more reasons to choose your solution over your competition. Data shows that 82% of buyers find review sites valuable in their search, and 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted customer review.

  • To add a specific G2 review or a link to your Company’s G2 Review page, simply click the Link block and enter the information in the prompt. You will need a URL, a title for your block, a description of the link, and text to be displayed on the "open link" button. After inputting all the prompts, click Add Link to add it to your sendout.

  • To move or delete your Link block, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the block and choose one of the two options.

  • A little add or plus sign will appear when you hover your mouse before, after, or between other blocks. Use this button to include additional G2 review link blocks in your sendout.

  • If you have specific G2 reviews that you would like to store in your Content Library for easy inputting when constructing future send-outs or templates, simply go to your Content Library, click the plus sign to the right of “Create” in the upper right-hand corner, and select the Link option. Name your G2 Review Content Link and click “Create.” Repeat the process outlined above to add a G2 review via Link Blocks.

  • When you are creating or editing your future Digital Sales Rooms/sales send-outs, simply click “Link” and navigate to the “Library” tab to access the G2 review links you stored in your Content Library.

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