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Creating a document: How to add and edit fields
Creating a document: How to add and edit fields

How to add fields to a document

Updated over 9 months ago

Once you have created your document and added your recipients, click on the Add tab if you want to add fields. Here you will find different fields that you can put in your document. These fields can be used to merge data to certain parts of your document, be input fields for the sender or recipient to fill in, or signature fields.

Please note: The fields shown here can only be added to an uploaded file, and cannot be added to an Editor block.

  • To learn more about our Field types, click here

  • To learn more about how to fetch data to our dynamic or merge fields, click here.

How to connect a field to a sender or a recipient

  1. Choose who the field will be connected to by clicking on field Connect field to

  • If connected to a recipient, they will have to fill out the information when receiving the document.

    Green field = It's connected to a recipient

    Orange field = It's connected to the sender

How to add the field to the document when using a PDF file

  1. Click and drag the body of the field to place it where you would like it on the page

  2. Click and drag the corners of the field to resize it

  3. Click the field and then the gear to edit its properties

  4. Click and drag around multiple fields to edit them all at once

You can also add supplemental files or URLs to your document to help your recipients make a decision, such as a demo video or terms and agreements.

Settings that can be done on all fields

Text size

You can change the text size on all fields except for the Checkbox and Link fields. Change the size either by dragging on a corner or by going into the field setting and changing it there

Move fields to another page

Is the field on the wrong page? You can easily move it to the correct one. Hover the mouse over the page number to see a preview of it.

When moving the field to the new page, it will appear in the exact same place as on the current page.

All fields have this action.

Duplicate a field

All fields can be duplicated. All settings that you have made on the field will be copied over to a brand new identical field.

Delete a field

If you want to remove a field, when clicking on the cogwheel, scroll down to the trashcan and click on it. The field will then be removed.

Specific settings for different fields

Add a Label

You can add a label to a field. That way you and/or the recipient know what type of information should be added to the field.

Fields where you can add a label:

  • Signature field

  • Text field

  • Dropdown field

  • Text field with validation

  • Checkbox

Add Validation

Choose what validation type the recipient shall enter in the field. It will force them to enter the correct value in the field for it to go through.

Add validation failure text

Choose a text that will pop up if the person who is connected to the field enters the wrong value. Under it, you can test how the validation will work.

Select a property for a field

Choose what information should be auto-populated in the field.

Fields that you can select a property on:

  • Merge field

  • Company field

  • Name field

  • Sign date field

Fallback value for a field

Fill in what information should be populated instead if the selected property isn't found.

Fields that you can fill in fallback value on:

  • Merge field

  • Company field

  • Name field

  • Sign date field

Prefilled value for a field

In the dropdown field, you can choose to prefill the value before sending it out to the recipient.

You can also prefill a checkbox.

Required field

When a field is ticked in as required the document can't be signed or sent before the field has been filled in.

Fields that can be ticked in as required:

  • Text field

  • Dropdown field

  • Text field with validation

  • Checkbox

Please note!

If a checkbox is marked as required it needs to be ticked in to be able to sign or send the document.

Connect a field to a recipient

Change who the field should be connected to:

Green field = connected to the recipient

Orange field = connected to the sender

You can also see up in the right corner to whom the field is connected by the initials.

Fields you can change the connection on:

  • Signature field

  • Text field

  • Dropdown field

  • Initials field

  • Text field with validation

  • Checkbox

How to connect certain areas of your document with a hyperlink

If you're looking to make your template dynamic by adding hyperlinks to it and redirecting your recipients, you can easily do so with our Link Fields.

  1. Click and drag the link field where you'd like it, resize it to cover any area of space, click it, and enter the web address you would like to redirect your recipient to.

In this example, we create a link over the image of our digital sales room and when clicking on it, it will redirect them to our website explaining more about it.

Adding our dynamic merge tags with the Editor

In your editor document, you can fetch data about your entity, document, sender, and recipient as dynamics tags. Making the creating of your document a seamless process, in this guide we will show you how to do that and what data you can fetch

  1. When you have added an editor block click anywhere within the block where you want to add the merge tag

  2. Click on the { } symbol in the formatting bar

Read more about how to use merge tags with the Editor here

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