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How to install GetAccept for Salesforce

SalesForce Integration: Step by step instructions on how to install GetAccept for Salesforce

Updated this week

Please note!

  • Salesforce Developer, Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions are required to use the GetAccept integration.

How to install GetAccept for Salesforce

Create a listener URL

  1. Set up a listener site by going to Setup, search for Sites and add a new site. It is important that the listener site has the default web address listener. Label and name can have any value. Set the listener to Active and save.
    (Requires your company’s Salesforce site domain to have already been setup)

Install the GetAccept app

  1. Install the GetAccept Salesforce integration here (version 2.106.0):

    Please note that if you are updating from an earlier version of the integration that significant changes have been made to the first two steps of the sending flow. A quick overview of the new sending flow for contracts can be viewed here.

  2. Approve Third-Party access so that your Salesforce org can communicate with our API.

  3. The installation process will begin. It can take several minutes and it is not uncommon to receive a message indicating that installation is continuing and to check back later when it is complete. You as a system admin will receive an email when the package has successfully installed.

Add permission set to Listener Guest user

Next, you need to assign a permission set to the Listener you have previously setup.

  1. Setup: Search for Sites.

  2. Click the site label GetAcceptListener.

  3. Click Public access settings.

  4. Click View users.

  5. Click on the Full Name of the site guest user.

  6. Look for Permission Set Assignments and then click Edit Assignments.

  7. Add the GetAccept Integration Listener permission set and then click save.

  8. You can now leave this section.

Granting permissions to users

You next need to ensure that all users who intend to use GetAccept have the correct permissions. GetAccept provides the required permission set as part of the installation process, GetAccept Integration User. There is a separate permission set for admins of the integration, which will be described in later steps in this article.

  1. Search for Users in the setup

  2. Select a user you wish to grant permission to use GetAccept

  3. Click on Permission Set Assignments for that user, then click Edit.

  4. Add the permission set GetAccept Integration User, then click save.

  5. Repeat for any other user you wish to grant these permissions to.

Add GetAccept integration to your environment

  1. Add the GetAccept integration to an object in your Salesforce environment by clicking the setup wheel -> edit page (on the page you want to add the GetAccept integration). Drag the Integration (custom, at the bottom) to the relevant part of the page.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Click Activation

  4. Ensure you "Assign as Org Default"

Almost there. Now some final steps are to be carried out with the GetAccept Admin app.

Setting up the GetAccept Admin app

Our integration comes with a companion app called GetAccept Admin. This app enables you to configure additional settings for the integration, including the required listener or entity connections. It also provides options to control what GetAccept users can see and do within the integration. To access this companion app, you will need to do the following:

  • Navigate to Setup | App Manager. On this list, select the arrow dropdown next to the GetAccept Admin app and click Edit.

  • Remove any Selected Profiles that are currently assigned access to the app

  • Next, proceed to assign the GetAccept Integration Admin permission set to any user you wish to have access to this app.

  • Finally, because this app uses reporting charts, you must also grant share access to any user to the specific GetAccept Reports folder.

  • Once this is done, you can then navigate to the GetAccept Admin app, and begin customizing.

Registering your service user and listener

In order to connect GetAccept to your Salesforce org, you need to register your "service user" with GetAccept.

  • Within the GetAccept Admin app, click on the Setup tab.

  • Here you will be presented with a login form as shown below.

  • Enter the admin login credentials for your GetAccept account (one that has access to all relevant entities).

  • You must then select the site URL of the listener site that you created earlier in this guide. If you don't see the listener in the list, return to the sites page to ensure it was set up correctly and set to active.

  • Finally, please ensure to check the box “Download signed documents” if you wish to have the signed PDF automatically downloaded to your Salesforce org.

  • Once you hit register, you should get a success message confirming authentication to your GetAccept account and you can then connect specific entities.

Please note that it is recommended to use a GetAccept admin user specifically created for the integration rather than a user directly connected to one person. This avoids any problems that may arise due to a specific user leaving your company and their access being removed.

Connecting GetAccept entities

Once successfully registered, you can now decide which of your GetAccept entities you would like to connect to this Salesforce org (as you may have more than one entity).

  1. Navigate to the Entities section within the Setup page you're currently on.

  2. You will be presented by a list of entities that you can choose to connect to your salesforce org. Click connect and wait for the list to reload. (See image below)

  3. Thats it! You're now ready to use the GetAccept integration.

You will find more details on what you can do within this app by reading this article.


  1. You cannot see status updates after the customer has opened or signed the document
    Check that the listener site was created correctly and registered with our GetAccept application through the configuration page. Refer to the notes above for more details.

  2. Standard users are not able to access the app.
    Ensure they have the correct permissions attached to their profile as mentioned above.

If you encounter any issues, please contact

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